The elders have decided to start Sunday Morning Bible Study at 10:00 on June 21. There will be an auditorium class, a children and youth class, a college-age class, and a ladies’ Bible study class. The children and youth class will meet in the fellowship hall. We ask that all the youth and children go directly to the fellowship hall and not go to the auditorium. The ladies’ Bible study class will meet in the large classroom on the west side of the building (not in the middle section classroom). This class to will go directly to the designated meeting space and not go to the auditorium before the class meeting time. The college-age class will meet in the loft beginning the following Sunday and will folllow the same procedures as the other classes. Classes will end at 10:45. The children and youth will come over to the main building together. We ask at those arriving for the 11:00 workshop go directly to the auditorium and take your seat, even if class is finishing up. Finally, offering will be collected following communion. Offering trays will be handled by the men presiding at the table and will not be passed down the rows.